Getting Started

Before You Begin

To use atlasplots you will need a working installation of ROOT, a scientific software framework developed at CERN for data analysis in high energy physics. You can install ROOT by following the Installing ROOT guide on their website. If you are a newcomer to ROOT, there are a number of resources available to help get started. A good starting point is the ROOT Primer beginner’s guide. Courses and Tutorials are also available.


atlasplots uses PyROOT, ROOT’s Python-C++ bindings. With PyROOT you can access the full ROOT functionality from Python while benefiting from the performance of the ROOT C++ libraries.

When ROOT is installed, you can use PyROOT both from the Python prompt and from a Python script. The entry point to PyROOT is the ROOT module, which you must import first:

>>> import ROOT

Then you can access the ROOT C++ classes, functions, etc. via the ROOT module.

Installing atlasplots

$ pip install atlasplots

You can also install directly from the source repository:

$ pip install

Replace with if you have GitHub ssh keys set up.

To uninstall:

$ pip uninstall atlasplots

Installing on lxplus


Fellow ATLAS members: follow these instructions to set up atlasplots on lxplus. Other CERN folk, you may have to fill in some of the gaps to set up your preferred versions of ROOT and Python.

If you want to use atlasplots on lxplus (to avoid copying over potentially large ROOT files to your local machine), there are a few extra steps involved to install it. As of writing these docs, the default versions of ROOT and Python installed on lxplus should be sufficient to install atlasplots. However, if you wish to use a more complete, stable release of ROOT, Python, and a number of useful Python packages, you can use an LCG Release, such as LCG_98python3. To set up the environment on lxplus, run:

$ setupATLAS
$ lsetup "views LCG_98python3 x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt"

You can replace LCG_98python3 and x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt with your preferred LCG release and OS/compiler architecture.


Careful here: setting up ROOT in this way might interfere with certain environment and PATH variables if you have an Athena release set up in your current shell.

The LCG release should come with pip out of the box. In general, to install a package on lxplus, use the --user flag in your pip command:

$ pip install --user <package>

This tells pip to install packages to ~/.local/lib/ (which is necessary since you don’t have sudo privileges on lxplus). Finally, install atlasplots with:

$ pip install --user

Basic Usage

Behold, the simplicity of atlasplots:

import atlasplots as aplt
import ROOT as root


hist = root.TH1F("hist", "", 64, -4, 4)

fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1)

ax.set_ylim(0, 280)
ax.set_xlabel("X [GeV]")


For a collection of complete examples, see the Examples section.